Monday, December 22, 2008

I cry little silver beet tears

it has been a few days. pardon.
i sit now at a computer in wanaka once again day after the solstice (the sunlight faded round 10:32...and 1/!) just kiddin. anyhow, today i left my lovely farm and family in small town edievale (tear) and hitched back north to wanaka. the last week/days with my family on the farm were amazing (go figure right?)
my biggest project was scavenging down starts of a particular tree and transplanting them along the fence line to create a wind break (uber necessary) to protect everything fromn the intense gusts that doth blow fiercely! also we had a visit from some family friends, i went for a tramp up through the blue mountains, and i got to tend to the bees with paul! fantastic how intensely smart and perceptive those critters are, i could hear the pitch of their buzz/hummm change as they became more perceptive of our presence! super rad.
as for now, i'm poooooped. and am heading to rob roy glacier tomorrow and will spend the night in the hills. freakin finally!

however, i've had a request (thank you jen!) to explain WTF (that's what the fuck for you non-acronym folks) i'm doing on these farms! good idea jen.

for those that i haven't had the chance to explain my new zealand intentions, part of the time i'm in this fantastic country i'll be WWOOFing (another acronym of course: Willing Workers On Organic Farms). Its a program that allows travellers to put in a good chunk of work on farms (of all types from small family productions to large corporate wineries) in exchange for room and board. it's beyond grand. if you enjoy hard work outdoors and want a REAL piece of new zealand life and understanding, i highly recommend it! google it y'all, the web site says all.
anyhows, i must to bed, i'm spent ( must be the hitchin, my thumb's tired)
bugger off ;)

and happy sleddin and snow angelin in ptown!

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