So, after new year's i decided to take off towards Christchurch with a probable stop at Mt. Cook to climb to the Mueller Hut for a night. A quick word on Kiwiland's amazing accessibility for backpackers: flippin rad...ok that was two words ;) The whole country is packed with tracks (trails) and most have some type of hut, anything from a simple roof to full kitchens in the most travelled areas. Anyhow i digress.
Back to the scene, woke up to dumping rain...a hitch hiker's dream come true...pause...NOT! (everyone who's seen Borat should be laughing now) but the show must go on! After 'water proofing' my pack ..which consistst of using all my grocery bags to psuedo guard stuff i don't want to get wet... i headed to the streets , my thumb feeling strong in the wet wind!
FINALLY (ok really i only waited 20 minutes) I got a ride out of queenstown with a couple of Aussies and there friend from Germany; next ride was with a younger guy on his way to pick up his daughter in his beat up 4WD something that was just barely hangin on; and next, as i watched a new set of pure downpour roll towards me and my thumb, a big black Chevy truck pulled over for me. Knew i was in luck the moment i got in the truck...it almost felt too familiar, then i realized it was because the passenger's seat was in the 'right' place...on the right. I had stepped into an American Chevy, and go figure, it's driver spends quite a bit of time working and travelling in the states, guess where y'all? Tigard (outskirts of Ptown).
So as we approached Mt Cook, the weather became more an dmore dismal. After a mental debate of approximately 6.7 seconds, I decided to continue on with my new chaufer instead of getting soaked and ending up in my bivvy sack on the side of the road headin up to the mountain where NO ONE in their right (of left) mind would be headin for the next few days by the looks of it.
but the rain has its way of working out the kinks. Ended up travelling all the way to the north end of the south island with my new friend (Kezza) in style...nothin like a Chevy truck for luxurious travel ;) And, the sunshine poured down over Kaiteriteri beach when we arrived!
The next morning I headed out for a 2 day tramp along the Abel Tasman Coast Track. Took an acqua taxi to the north end of the track and then began my walk. Dear lord, can i tell you how amazing this area is? Let me answer for myself, no. The water is crystal clear green blue beyond words, comparable to the Greek Isles I'm told. The walk was a beautiful mix of walking through bush and along beach (the only barefoot backpacking i've done). The bush in this region is dominated by enormous crown ferns that look like palm trees on first glance. Knew i was a plant nerd post haste when i realized i'd taken more photos of the ferns than of the beach ;)
Anyhow, the walk was not too challenging and was punctuated with little swims along the way to cool down. Now let's be honest the water was not warm by any stretch of the imagination, but fantastic for some brisk swimming all the same! So the first night I decided to plop myself in my fantastic camping condom on the end of a private spit...right next to a big sign that said...well something about 'no camping' and blah, blah, blah... and so glad i did because the nearest campsite was all full and so ho-hum! seriously i had the whole spit to myself and sunset and sunrise over the ocean! Anyhow, walked out the next day with a bit of swimming and rock jumping, seriously ridiculously beautiful.
The next day I went kayaking with Kezza along the coast line, it's been great to get to experience the Abel Tasman coast from all different persepctives: up high in the hills, along the coast, and in the water. We kayaked to Split apple rock and then had a swim and a few games of hangman (which is not a popular game here in New Zealand); upon headin back off the beach we managed to flip the kayak, but otherwise our sea travels were completely un-calamitous ;) That night we went to ...the only bar...The Beached Whale, where there was a local caberet singer whose audience integration and performances were uber fun, twas a night of pure karaoke for the whole bar! Nice.
Next day, Kezza was headin back to Queenstown so i caught a ride south with him to Kaikoura, where i now sit typing (oy the finger strain!) The ride down, just like the ride up, was grand! Amazing to see how the land formations and rock types change in this country! Plus the conversation was stellar; Kezza does stone work all around the world and has some excellent stories, historical knowledge, and interesting viewpoints. Cheers mate!
Oh yeah, so the WOOFing i was going to do in the Christchurch area fell through, but i suppose you just can't plan yer fun, eh?
My hat's off to this country and it's hitchin' friendliness. I have met interesting people from all over the country, of different socioeconomic status, younger and older, in old beaters and nice new Chevies...all willing to give a bird from the states a ride ;)
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