Taupo, lake Taupo.
Well it's a small world folks, my totally rad friend Miss Kara (formerly known as Davis, now Mrs. Jason's last name) sent me an email that a friend of hers from good old Bellingham had just sailed into New Zealand (try to hide your anguish Greggers!) and was travelling around...and guess who was in the exact locale that i was slated to go trekkin in.
3 guesses....
So that is how i met Jason Rose, mr sailor extraordinaire and former bellinghamster himself! Along with another hostelite (John from Ireland), we hiked the Tongariro Crossing, one of the most famous day treks in allllll of New Zealand. And let me tell you, there's a reason for it ;)
Twas spectacular! Mid walk, John and I hiked/climbed (seriously i was using all fours most of the time, total monkey style...as usual right?) up to the top of Mt. Ngaurahoe (also know as MOUNT DOOOOM from Lord o the rings) Such a flippin uphill slog, but well worth the amazing view and peak into the crater from the top! ONce up, stood in the steam vent and felt the ground, which was piping hot (shocking i know from a volcano ;) Anyhow, the way down was heaps of fun as well basically skiied down the loose scree all the way. Although walking up took a solid hour...plus...the way down was, oh, say...15 minutes max! The rest of the journey showed off spectacular reds and greens as the ions and minerals from the volcanic explosions have oxidized and such to create surreal displays. After a hell of a walk down down down (till the ends of my toes were tired of being bashed into the front of my shoes), we caught a shuttle back to town and celebrated with BBQ and beers (hooray for good food when your buggered!)
The next day was a bit of rest and Jason and I decided to check out the annual Medieval Festival which was taking place in taupo...yeah really i just wanted to check out all the local D&D boys. I had high hopes of something like the Renessaince Fair my fam attended when i was a wee lasss. Anyhow, the jousting was lack luster and it was so hot one of the horses actually fell over (no good), but otherwise it was smashingly entertaining (shayna i tried to find you a ribbon wand just like the old days but they were not to be found!)
The next morning, Jason headed south towards Windy Welly and I toward Whakapapa Village to complete the Round the Mountain Track which circles Mt. Ruapehu. What a flippin adventure. I would not, repeat NOT, recommend this backpacking trip to anyone with any knees problems. I don't even see how fantastically phenomenally healthy people could complete this trek without creating patellofemoral syndrome! So lots of up and lots of down, steep, loose rock. Amazingly because it circled a volcano, the first day i found myself in the rainshadow and hiking through total desert! This includes wind storms, with which for the first few hours i was enthralled and laughing at how strong and spectacular the wind was...and then as the sun was setting and i was still hiking with dust and dirt in my eyes, nose and any other orifice that dared peak towards the pink hews of sunset...then i was kinda over the whole desert storm element. And at 8:30pm ish when i finally, FINALLY came to a hut...i almost cried! i have never been so glad to see 4 man made walls in the middle of nature. After 30 km in a dust storm with a full pack, I was happy to sleep in an enclosed space, which i luckily had to myself!
The next morning i awoke to decreased wind and a bit of clouds...nice. While sitting outside, I started to hear low rumbles. Seriously thought i was imagining it at first, but then they increased in frequency and tone. Ummm, fuck me, the volcano is going to erupt (last time it did was 1996 i think). You better believe I packed my shit up fast and looked at every topo map in the hut to see where the high points and safety zones were. Luckily, i think...it was a nearby military training camp. but oy.
anyways my internet money is about to run out, as if my typing energy. So, i'll tell the story later. for now, i'm heading to the KiwiBurn yall with my friend Anja! Cheers!
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